Friday, January 23, 2009

615) The Architectural Heritage of The Malay World: The Traditional Mosque*

Mohamad Rasdi, M.T. (2000). The Architectural Heritage of The Malay World: The Traditional Mosque. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor.
  • Part I: A brief description of the origins, functions and history of the mosque (ms1-16)
  • Part II: The meaning of ibadah, solat, iktikaf, tilawah, funery rites and community responsibilities in relation to the idea of the mosque (ms17-46)
  • Part III: A survey of roles, functions and architectural styles of the traditional mosques in Peninsular Malaysia (ms47-107)

1 comment:

Shafique Laiho said...


buku2 keluaran utm ni mana nak dapat?

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