- Useful websites:
- www.world-tourism.org World Tourism Organization
- www.propoortourism.org.uk/index.html Department for International Development's
- www.twnside.org.sg/title/focus6-cn.htm Third World Network
- www.do.nl/retour/CriticalIssues.html Retour Organization
- www.ftsl.demon.co.uk Sustainable and Community Based Tourism
- www.un.org/esa/sustdev/tourism.htm United Nations' Sustainable Tourism
- www.greentourism.on.ca/gt_resourcemain.html The Green Tourism Association's
- www.iucn.org/themes/ppa.html World Conservation Union (IUCN's)
- www.wcmc.org.uk/dynamic/Pav1/ Virtual Library on Protected Areas
- www.ecotourism.org/cons.html The Ecotourism Society's
- www.tourismconcern.org.uk Tourism Concern
- www.pirt.org/about.html Patners in Responsible Tourism
- www.towd.com/ Directory of Goverment Tourism Offices Worldwide
- www.kiskeya-alternative.org/certif/refer-certif-eng.html Sustainable Tourism
- www.wttc.org/ World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
- www.rethinkingtourism.org Rethinking Tourism Project
- Bibliography (ms246-266)