Tyler, N. (2000). Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles and Practice. W.W. Norman & Company, Inc., New York.
- Preservation philosophies (ms18)
- Types of intervention:
- Preservation (ms22-24)
- Restoration (ms24-27)
- Reconstruction (ms27-28)
- Rehabilitation (Adaptive Use) (ms28-29)
- National regiter's criteria for evaluation (ms93-94)
- Criteria for exclusion (ms95-96)
- Design issues (ms139-153)
- Preservation technology (ms154-167)
- Other preservation issues (ms208-219)
- References (ms220-227)
- Further reading (ms228-231)
- Preservation resources (ms232-239)
- www.aaslh.ord/index.html American Association for State and Local History
- www.acra-crm.org/ American Cultural Resources Association
- www.aiaonline.com/ American Institute of Architects
- www.planning.org/ American Planning Association
- www.apti.org/ Association for Preservation Technology
- www.campbellcenter.org/ Campbell Centre for Historic Preservation Studies
- http://www.chin.gc.ca/ The Canadian Heritage Information Network
- www.ooo.nl/decomomo/start/htm Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement
- www.unesco.org/whc/ab_icomo.htm International Council of Monuments and Sites
- www.arcat.com/search/profile.cfm?id=8371 National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
- www.ncptt.nps.gov/ National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, National Park Service
- www.mainst.org/ National Main Street Center
- www2.cr.nps.gov/ National Park Service, Department of the Interior
- www.npi.org/about.html National Preservation Institute
- http://www.nationaltrust.org/ National Trust for Historic Preservation
- www.sacredplaces.org/ Partners for Sacred Places
- www.arch.buffalo.edu/pairc Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center
- www.preservenet.cornell.edu/pa.htm Preservation Action
- www.preservenet.cornell.edu/preserve.html Preservevation Network
- http://www.xaa.org/ Society for American Archaeology, University of Connecticut
- http://www.sah.org/ Society of Architectural Historians
- http://www.sca-roadside.org/ Society for Commercial Archaeology