- Urban sprawl (ms1-32)
- Influencing factors in land development patterns (ms33-78)
- Comprehensive land use planning and zoning (ms79-134)
- Development and sustinability (ms135-176)
- Compatible new uses (ms177-244)
- Locating and selecting redevelopment property with investment potential (ms245-276)
- Evaluation is part of planning (ms277-318)
- Site planning and evaluation (ms319-342)
- Building planning and evaluation (ms343-428)
- Identifying cost effective improvements and basic aesthetic approaches (ms429-494)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
434) Building Change-of-Use: Renovating, Adapting, and Altering Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Properties***
Henehan, D. A., Woodson, R. D. and Culbert, S. (2004). Building Change-of-Use: Renovating, Adapting, and Altering Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Properties. McGraw-Hill, New York.
2) Buku,
Bahan Binaan,
Pemeriksaan Bangunan,
Penggunaan Semula
433) Repair & Renovation of Modern Buildings**
Chandler, I. (1991). Repair & Renovation of Modern Buildings. McGraw-Hill, Inc., London.
- Let's refurbish (ms10-19)
- Problems (ms20-35)
- Diagnosis (ms36-60)
- Options (ms61-77)
- Documentation (ms78-104)
- Cost factors (ms105-118)
- Site organisation (ms119-133)
- Typical solutions (ms134-160)
- Is it worth it? (ms161-169)
- References (ms170-171)
432) Adaptive Reuse: Issues and Case Studies in Building Preservation***
Austin, R. L. (ed.) (1988). Adaptive Reuse: Issues and Case Studies in Building Preservation. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.
- Theories and philosophies (ms3-62)
- Implementation (ms63-134)
431) Adapting Buildings for Changing Uses: Guidelines for Change of Use Refurbishment***
Kincaid, D. (2002). Adapting Buildings for Changing Uses: Guidelines for Change of Use Refurbishment. Spon Press, London.
- Adaptive reuse (ms1-20)
- Finding viable uses for redundant buildings (ms21-66)
- Securing the management of implementation (ms67-92)
- Robust buildings for changing uses (ms93-106)
- Use class framework (ms107-112)
- References (ms113-114)
2) Buku,
Penggunaan Semula,
Rujukan dan Bibliografi
430) Standard Method of Specifying for Minor Works: The Preparation of Documentation for Works of Repair, Improvement and Conversion*
Gardiner, L. (1991). Standard Method of Specifying for Minor Works: The Preparation of Documentation for Works of Repair, Improvement and Conversion. E & F N Spon, London.
- Introduction and exapmles of schedules of works (ms3-68)
- Preliminaries and general matters, materials, workmanship and usage of sundry building terms (ms69-132)
- Schedules of work - presentation and other (ms133-208)
- Contract (ms209-243)
429) Decay of Timber and its Prevention**
Cartwright, K. S. G. and Findlay, W. P. K. (1969). Decay of Timber and its Prevention. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
- Introduction (ms1-4)
- Causes of decay (ms5-11)
- Technique (ms12-25)
- Physiology of wood-destroying fungi (ms26-52)
- Effect of fungal decay on wood (ms53-66)
- Principal decays of standing conifers in Great Britain (ms67-101)
- Principal decays of standing broad-leaved trees in Great Britain (ms102-165)
- Decay of felled timber and of timber in service in the open (ms166-202)
- Prevention of decay in felled and converted timber during storage and shipment (ms225-234)
- Decay of timber in various uses (ms235-258)
- Deterioration of composite wood and manufactured wood products (ms259-265)
- Natural durability of timber (ms266-281)
- Preservation of wood by chemicals (ms282-297)
- Staining and discoloration of timber (ms298-320)
- The wood block method of test for the toxicity of wood preservatives to fungi (ms321-327)
- References (ms4-11,24,49,65,98,162,200,223,256,265,279,296,318)
428) Decay of Timber in Buildings: Dry Rot, Wet Rot and other Fungi**
Coggins, C. R. (1980). Decay of Timber in Buildings: Dry Rot, Wet Rot and other Fungi. Rentokil Limited, West Sussex.
- Wood structure and decay (ms11-23)
- The fungi (ms24-31)
- Major wood rotting fungi in Great Britain (ms32-51)
- Other fungi found in buildings (ms52-67)
- The incidence of dry rot and wet rot in Britain (ms68-78)
- Wood-boring beetles and fungal decay (ms79-84)
- Detection and treatment of fungal decay (ms85-110)
- Bibliography (ms111-112)
427) Building Maintenance Technology in Tropical Climates***
Briffett, C. (ed.) (1995). Building Maintenance Technology in Tropical Climates. Singapore University Press, Singapore.
- Durability of concrete structures (ms3-20)
- Maintenance of pitched roof coverings (ms21-33)
- Flat roof problems (ms34-56)
- External claddings (ms57-76)
- Internal floor finishes in schools (ms77-94)
- Investigating dampness problems in buildings (ms95-106)
- Control of plant growth on buildings (ms107-116)
- Access requirements for building maintenance (ms117-138)
- External access systems (ms139-162)
- Expert systems in building pathology (ms163-178)
- Building management information systems (ms179-191)
- References (ms19,53,76,92,106,112,138,157,177,191)
426) Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings and Monumnets***
National Research Council (NRC) (1982). Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings and Monumnets. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
- Report of the committee on conservation of historic stone buildings and monuments (ms1-12)
- The scientist's role in historic preservation with particular reference to stone conservation (ms13-21)
- The principles of conservation (ms22-30)
- Some illustrative preservation problems and treatments in Washington, D.C. (ms31-48)
- Geological source of building stone (ms49-61)
- Physical properties of building stone (ms62-86)
- Deformation and fracture of rock (ms87-107)
- Problems in the deterioration of stone (ms108-119)
- The mechanism of masonry decay through crystallization (ms120-144)
- Characterization of bricks and their resistance to deterioration mechanisms (ms145-162)
- Analythical methods related to building and monument preservation (ms163-182)
- Wet and dry surface deposition of air pollutants and their modelling (ms183-196)
- Measurement of local climatological and air pollution factors affecting stone decay (ms197-210)
- Diagnosis of nonstructural problems in historic masonry buildings (ms211-232)
- Diagnosis and prognosis of structural integrity (ms233-241)
- Photogrammetric measurement and monitoring of historic and prehistoric structures (ms242-271)
- Cleaning and surface repair (ms272-280)
- Preventive maintenance in historic structures (ms281-286)
- Stone-consolidating materials: a status report (ms287-311)
- The sustainability of polymer composites as protective materials (ms312-321)
- Exposure site and weatherometer evalutions of synthetic polymers (ms322-328)
- The evaluation of stone preservatives (ms329-340)
- Proposal for a CCMS pilot study on the conservation / restoration of monuments (ms341-346)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
425) Building Maintenance Technology***
Son, L. H. and S. Yuen, C. G. (1993). Building Maintenance Technology. The Macmillan Press Ltd., London.
- Overview of building maintenance (ms1-10)
- Causes and agents of deterioration (ms11-28)
- Diagnosis and investigation techniques (ms29-43)
- Foundations (ms44-73)
- Concrete defects (ms74-99)
- Concrete defects: inspection and diagnosis (ms100-123)
- Repair of concrete structures (ms124-156)
- Timber and timber components (ms157-183)
- Brickwork and stonework (ms184-221)
- Steel and other metals (ms222-247)
- Roofs and roof drainage (ms248-276)
- Wall claddings (ms277-298)
- Finishes and decorations (ms299-325)
- Dampness in buildings (ms326-352)
- External works (ms353-366)
- Related and further reading (ms9,26,42,72,97,121,154,182,219,247,274,296,322,349,365)
424) Wood Deterioration and Its Prevention by Preservatives Treatments**
Nicholas, D. D. (ed.) (1973). Wood Deterioration and Its Prevention by Preservatives Treatments: Volume 1 - Degradation and Protection of Wood. Syracuse University Press, New York.
- History of wood preservation (ms1-24)
- Microbiological digredation and the causal organisma (ms31-98)
- Degradation in relation to wood structure (ms107-142)
- The chemistry and biochemistry of decay (ms149-177)
- Control methods (ms183-210)
- Decay test methods (ms217-243)
- Degradation and protection of wood from marine organisms (ms247-272)
- The degradation of wood by insects (ms277-303)
- Degradation and protection of wood from thermal attack (ms307-334)
- Special treatments (ms341-365)
- References (ms25,99,143,177,211,244,273,304,335,365)
423) Wood Preservation**
Richardson, B. A. (1993). Wood Preservation. E & FN Spon, London.
- Preservation technology (ms1-22)
- Wood degradation (ms23-42)
- Preservation systems (ms43-96)
- Preservation chemicals (ms97-151)
- Practical preservation (ms153-176)
- Selection of a preservation system (ms179-184)
- Wood-borers (ms185-209)
- Wood-destroying fungi (ms211-218)
2) Buku,
Bahan Binaan,
Kaedah Pemuliharaan,
Kecacatan Bangunan
422) The Dry Rot Problem***
Hickin, N. E. (1972). The Dry Rot Problem. Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd., London.
- The importance of wood in buildings (ms11-18)
- The special features of fungi (ms19-25)
- How to identify decay (ms26-32)
- Records of the occurance of dry rot and wet rot attacks in the United Kingdom (ms33-40)
- The less important species of wood-rotting fungi found in buildings (ms41-52)
- Specifications for dry rot and wet rot eradication (ms53-63)
- The correct environment for wood in buildings (ms64-73)
- Rising damp and its cure (ms74-86)
- Timber preservation (ms87-96)
- How fungicides are tested for efficiency (ms97-105)
- Wood-boring insects associated with fungal decay (ms106-111)
- References (ms112)
421) Rumah Tradisional Negeri Sembilan: Satu Analisis Seni Bina Melayu
Idrus, Y. (1996). Rumah Tradisional Negeri Sembilan: Satu Analisis Seni Bina Melayu. Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd., Shah Alam.
- Glosari (ms163-177)
- Bibliografi (ms193-197)
420) Interior Renovation and Restoration of Private Dwellings***
Maguire, B. W. (1994). Interior Renovation and Restoration of Private Dwellings. P T R Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
- Walls and ceilings (ms1-51)
- Ceilings (ms52-75)
- Floors (ms76-116)
- Doors and door units (ms117-153)
- Interior trim (ms154-174)
- Electrical services and lighting (ms175-194)
- Plumbing (ms195-225)
- Staircase (ms226-252)
- Wood cabinets and counters (ms253-288)
- Environmental systems (ms289-307)
- Cross-reference trouble shooting list (ms308-312)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
419) Conservation of Historic Timber Structures: An Ecological Approach**
Larsen, K. E. and Marstein, N. (2000). Conservation of Historic Timber Structures: An Ecological Approach. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
- The sustainability of traditional materials and craftmanship (ms1-11)
- In the full richness of their authenticity (ms12-23)
- There is such great diversity (ms24-38)
- Desperate remedies: the benefits and drawbacks of modern technology (ms39-52)
- The two sides of the coin: preservation of structures and preservation of techniques of craftmanship (ms53-65)
- Mighty oaks from little acorns grow: preservation starts in the forest (ms66-73)
- A little neglect may breed mischief: preventive conservation, documentation, maintenance and fire protection (ms74-95)
- Like seasoned timber, never gives: the durability of wood as a building material (ms96-112)
- Something nasty in the woodshed: alternatives to toxic chemicals (ms113-120)
- The past has power: sustainable development-learning from historic timber structures (ms121-128)
- The ICOMOS international wood committee's principles for the preservation of historic timber structures (ms129-132)
- References (ms133-136)
418) The Future of the Past: Attitudes to Conservation 1174-1974**
Fawcett, J. (ed.) (1976). The Future of the Past: Attitudes to Conservation 1174-1974. Thames and Hudson, London.
- The law's delays: conservationist legislation in the British Isles (ms9-33)
- Scarpe and anti-scarpe (ms35-53)
- A presevationist's progress (ms55-63)
- What should we preserve? (ms65-73)
- A restoration tragedy: cathedral in the eighteen and nineteenth centuries (ms75-115)
- Living with the past: Victorian alterations to country houses (ms117-139)
- Conservation in America: national character as revealed by preservation (ms141-149)
- Old sites and new buildings: the architect's point of view (ms150-152)
417) Bentuk Rumah Tradisi Melayu
Husny, M. L. (1976). Bentuk Rumah Tradisi Melayu. B.P. Husny, Medan.
416) The Conservation of Building Timbers**
Hickin, N. E. (1966). The Conservation of Building Timbers. Hutchinson, London.
- Introduction (ms9-11)
- How much woodworm (ms12-20)
- Comparative incidence of wood-boring insects (ms21-25)
- The distribution of wood-boring insects and wood rotting fungi (ms72-90)
- The preservation of timber in buildings (ms91-106)
- Treatment under guarantee (ms107-111)
- Standards for wood preservatives (ms112-122)
- Woodworm, dry rot and the law (ms123-127)
- The conservation of historic buildings by death watch elimination (ms134-140)
- References (ms11,90,106,140)
415) The Maintenance and Adaptation of Buildings ***
Chudley, R. (1981). The Maintenance and Adaptation of Buildings. Longman Inc., New York.
- Principles (ms1-26)
- Deterioration and defects (ms91-107)
- Causes and methods of repair, renewal and alterations (ms108-140)
- Maintenance management (ms141-162)
- Bibliography (ms163)
414) 50 Warisan Kebangsaan ***

- Pengenalan (msI)
- Jalur Gemilang (ms1)
- Lagu Negaraku (ms2)
- Bunga Raya (ms3)
- Jata Negara (ms4)
- Panji-panji DiRaja (ms5)
- Tengkolok Diraja (ms6)
- Pending Diraja (ms7)
- Gandik Diraja (ms8)
- Kalung Diraja (ms9)
- Keris Panjang Diraja (ms10)
- Keris Pendek Diraja (ms11)
- Cokmar (ms12)
- Cogan Alam (ms13)
- Cogan Agama (ms14)
- Cokmar Dewan Rakyat (ms15)
- Cokmar Dewan Negara (ms16)
- Watikah Pengisytiharan (ms17)
- Manuskrip Sejarah Melayu (ms18)
- Manuskrip Hikayat Hang Tuah (ms19)
- Hukum Kanun Melaka (ms20)
- Perak Man (ms21)
- Tapak Tiang Bendera Malaya (ms22)
- Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad* (ms23)
- Bangunan Dewan Bandaraya & Panggung Bandaraya* (ms24)
- Bangunan Pejabat Pos Besar Lama* (ms25)
- Bangunan Jabatan Kerja Raya* (ms26)
- Tugu Negara* (ms27)
- Parlimen* (ms28)
- Masjid Negara & Makam Pahlawan* (ms29)
- Bangunan Istana Negara* (ms30)
- Muzium Negara* (ms31)
- Carcosa & King's House* (ms32)
- Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Selangor* (ms33)
- Bangunan Residensi* (ms34)
- St George Church* (ms35)
- Bangunan Stesen Keretapi Kuala Lumpur* (ms36)
- Bangunan Ibu Pejabat Keretapi (KTMB)* (ms37)
- Taman Negara Mulu (ms38)
- Taman Negara Kinabalu (ms39)
- Batu Caves (ms40)
- Wayang Kulit (ms41)
- Mak Yong (ms42)
- Bangsawan (ms43)
- Joget Melayu (ms44)
- Ngajat (ms45)
- Sumazau (ms46)
- Sewang (ms47)
- Dondang Sayang (ms48)
- Seni Persilatan (ms49)
- Rumah Terbuka Malaysia (ms50)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
413) Virtual Malaysia ***

- Kuching (ms34-35)
- Kuching heritage (ms36-37)
- 50 major culture and heritage attraction of Malaysia (ms77-82)
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
411) Singapore and Malaysia ***

- Early history (ms32)
- Melaka in the 15th century (ms34)
- The Straits Settlements and the Malay States (ms36)
- Malay States (ms36)
- The Federation of Malaysia (ms40)
- The Malay house (ms72)
- Regional differences (ms74)
- The Borneo longhouse (ms76)
- Colonial house styles (ms80)
- Mosque (ms82)
- Modern architecture - Singapore (ms84)
- Modern architecture - Malaysia (ms86)
- Chinese shophouses (ms88)
- Kuala Lumpur (ms182)
- Klang Valley (ms190)
- Negeri Sembilan (ms194)
- Melaka (ms198)
- Kuala Selangor (ms218)
- The hills stations (ms220)
- Ipoh (ms224)
- Penang (ms232)
- Langkawi and Perlis (ms244)
- Kuantan (ms246)
- Kuala Terengganu (ms250)
- Kota Bharu (ms254)
- Johor (ms262)
- Kuching (ms272)
- Kota Kinabalu (ms296)
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